The message today sounds so simple that most people will think "I already know that". However, it is probably the most important factor that distinguishes successful from unsuccessful people: The Power of "Taking Action". Taking action is the difference between a mere dreamer and a person who is actively becoming the person who he really wants to be.
Taking Action gives you an enormous amount of energy: I am always amazed by how much purpose, excitement and energy you feel even if you just make a tiny step towards a goal that truly matters to you. If your goals is for example to own your own home or become successful property investor, you will feel the excitement once you start looking through various websites and talking to people about various forms of financing. If you want to become a motivational speaker, starting to write your first speech at home will be an great experience.
The biggest risk in life is not to take action: Let's be really honest. Once you come to the end of your life and look back, what does really matter? Do you really care about people that were negative about what you were doing? Do you really care about all those failed attempts in the light of your successes? Is it better to know that you tried everything but failed or to know that you gave in to your fears and never seriously attempted to live an extraordinary life?
There are many things you can do to facilitate taking action: One of the most powerful things you can do is to break down your dreams and visions into as many small measurable sub-steps you can come up with. Moreover it is so powerful to talk to as many people as you can that are already doing things in areas you want to explore. Never feel to shy to even call up people you have never talked before. If you explain your genuine motivation and passion most people will be really happy to help you. If they are not, just call the next one.
So challenge yourself by asking "Am I really taking action towards my goals in ALL areas in my life that are truly important to me?". And if you feel that you have heard this message already a lot of times keep in mind one of my favourite quotes by Rick Warren "We fool ourselves if we think that by just listening to a message we have internalized it".