Sunday, September 12, 2010

Some Thoughts on the Movies "Bruce Almighty" and "Evan Almighty"

Even though these are entertaining Hollywood movies there are some interesting lessons to learn from them.
  • Like Bruce and Evan you can be successful in your own strength. However, what is possible if you partner with God is so much better and joyful. Moreover, it will continue to have value after your death which will inevitably arrive one day.
  • God is patient even when we repeatedly come up with silly reasons why we think we can manage our life better on our own. After all the one who really suffers from our strife for independence is ourselves.
  • God often reveals his plans one small detail at a time. This can be frustrating at times if we are impatient but allows us to show real trust in him. If we knew everything beforehand we would not need to have faith in him.
With all information in life it is your decision whether you allow it to change you or not. Partnering with Jesus - rather than continue to bustle around solely in my own strength - has had such a tremendous positive impact on my life.