Saturday, May 28, 2011

Some thoughts on the song "Don't Wait" by Addison Road

I came across this song and really liked it. The message is very relevant talking about how important it is to take action according to our beliefs. After all we are finite creatures and even though our lives seem to stretch forever, they are actually quite short. If we are fortunate we might live up to 80 or 90 years old which is really insignificant relative to the length of human history.

An extract of the lyrics is the following:
We're not indestructible
Our lives are unpredictable
It can turn on a dime
So now is the time
Don't wait (...)
Gotta live today

Very important that we all spend time pondering about the following questions:
  1. Does the way I live my life reflect the fact that I'm finite?
  2. Do I put my beliefs into practical action? Or do I mainly just talk and pretend?
  3. What has to happen in my life that I can one day look back at it and say "It was really worth it"?
What are your answers to these questions?

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